I went through the old newspapers looking for ghost stories. Partly to see how long some ghost stories have been around. But also to see if there were stories that we have since stopped telling.
The 1923 Lethbridge Herald has 2 ghost stories related to the North West Mounted Police. One, that takes place at the Big Bend detachment north east of Wateron, has a horse and rider coming up to the house in the middle of the night. When the rider knocks on the door, the Mounties bid him to enter but no one does. After having the noctural visitor knock three times on the door, the Mounties go out and look for him. They find no sign of a horse or a rider. They also find no tracks of man or beast in the freshly fallen, pristine snow.
The other takes place at the Standoff Detachment. The sergeant there invited a friend out to the detachment for Easter. In the evening after supper the men went outside to smoke. They noted a light and fire in an empty building. As they investigated the light and fire abruptly vanished. And the stove in the house was stone cold and covered in years of dust.
There was also a 1962 story of a ghost in Fleetwood School. According to the article kids at the school reported a Blue Ghost, a mysterious blue light that appeared and glimmered at the top of the building. The story went like wildfire through the student population. Some kids even claimed that 2 children were in hospital because of the ghost. A Herald reporter and photographer went and investigated and found that on a full moon, when the moon was just in the right place, the Blue Ghost appeared. But they realized that when they took a photograph of it, it was simply the moon creating the ghost (at least on that night). Was it always just the moon or did Fleetwood school really have a ghost? If you were a child in Lethbridge during the 1960s do you remember hearing about the Fleetwood ghost? If you have a story, please don't hesitate to share it.
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